Sunday, March 23, 2008

Old Man Hodges Starts His Blog

Ok, Ok . . . so all my kids and their friends are BLOGGING like crazy.  So, I guess it's time for the old man to do a little BLOGGING of my own. I'm afraid I probably won't have anything earthshaking to add to your lives in terms of wisdom or brilliant guidance (though I have wonderful opinions that I will always share with you in private).  So, the primary inclusion on my blog will probably be photos of the grandkids, comments about how PROUD I am of my kids and the lives they're living, and an occasional comment or photo about my wonderful wife, Janeal. But since she is a very private person and doesn't like me saying groovy things about her in public, I'll have to be careful!  

Also, I hope to post a number of photos that I have taken or will take, so that you can enjoy the visual aspects of my one and only hobby.  Being a musician and an audio editor, I can't really include a concert or an audiobook here.  So, escape with me to the west desert of Utah for a little insight on how life is in one of Utah's most unpopulated areas.  Several weeks ago, Janeal and I took a trip to her home in the Delta/Hinckley area of western Utah.  She spent time with her mom working on a family project, and I took off, camera in hand, to see what sights I could find in this "other worldly" part of Utah.  Here are some moments that I captured. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Bill and Mandy Guidry said...

Glad that you are doing this dad. It is kinda fun.