Monday, March 24, 2008

Old Historical Hodges Family Photos

Elizabeth Knowles Saunders 
Bass (Uarda's Mom photographed 
the year that Uarda was born.  
Elizabeth was 40 years old
in this photo)

The Alexander Hodges Family in 1902

Shown are Edna Kennedy Hodges in the 
dark dress, Alexander Hodges holding 
Verda Hodges, Edmund Hodges (at his father's right), Dera Hodges (on bottom left),  Ruth Hodges (center) and Roy Hodges . . . 
(moving around at bottom right)

Roy and Matthew Hodges 
(1940s or early 50s)

The Alexander Hodges Family 
(circa 1902-3)
(from left:  Edmund, Alexander, 
Roy, Ruth, Verda, Edna, Dera

Roy and Uarda on Miami Beach 
(circa 1935)

1 comment:

Jen said...

Those ae way cool. It's intresting to see where we come from and to know that those people I don't even recongnize are my relatives. Thanks for sharing. I especially love the one with Grandma and her dad. Pretty special.