Friday, March 28, 2008

Life in Florida

Uarda with my Grandma Hodges (Roberta McCann 
Hodges) who was my dad's stepmom. She raised him 
and his four siblings, while having five more of her own!

Uarda with Kenny, 1952

Uarda with Kenny
(uh . . . or is that 
Carson!) in 1956.

Hot chick by the pool, 
circa late 1940's.

Uarda, Kenny 
and Aunt Gladys, 
probably taken 
in the mid to late 

More of the Family History Photos

This is a photo taken around 1920 of 
Uarda Bass and her Father Edgar
Charles Bass. He was a school teacher.
Photo was taken in St. Cloud, Florida.

This photo shows Uarda with her two half-sisters. On the left is 
Gladys Saunders. In the center is Mary Saunders Johnson (mother 
of Brenda and Brockway). Uarda Bass is on the right. (She had 
a different father than the other two girls). This photo was apparently
taken at their mother's home in Ft. Myers, Florida sometime in the 1930's.

Another photo of Uarda (right) with
her older sister, Gladys.  Gladys was
a life-long single person. However, I 
knew her well as she live and worked in
Miami for many years, including while
I was growing up. Uarda first came to Miami
to get a job and live with Gladys, who had come

This photo was taken in the mid to late 
50's at my home in Coral Gables, Florida.
This is Uarda, me, and Aunt Gladys.

Here's another photo from that 
1930's photo session in Ft. Myers,
Florida. This is Uarda with her 
parents, Edgar Charles Bass and 
Elizabeth Knowles Saunders Bass.

Here are some more of the family history photos that I have put in digital format. Hopefully, the captions will help you know a bit more about WHO they are and when they lived. Let me know if you have any questions.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Even More Hodges Family Photos

Dera Hodges Cole  (Oldest Sister in Hodges Family)

Edmund Kennedy (Kay) Hodges
(Oldest son in Hodges Family)

Verda Hodges  (Youngest Sister
in original 5 Hodges siblings)

Roberta Hodges (Youngest sister in the whole family)

Audis Hodges Jordan
(Oldest daughter in the 2nd 
five Hodges Children)

Monday, March 24, 2008

A Few More Historical Family Photos

Roy Morrison Hodges in his 
U.S. Marines Uniform, 1917.
He served briefly in France at the 
end of World War I.

Roy and Uarda Hodges. 
Photographed in 1970 by
Kenny after his first year 
at BYU.

Uarda (right) with her mother 
Elizabeth and nephew Brockway 
in the late 1920s.

Uarda as a baby with her father 
Edgar Charles Bass (circa 1910)

Old Historical Hodges Family Photos

Elizabeth Knowles Saunders 
Bass (Uarda's Mom photographed 
the year that Uarda was born.  
Elizabeth was 40 years old
in this photo)

The Alexander Hodges Family in 1902

Shown are Edna Kennedy Hodges in the 
dark dress, Alexander Hodges holding 
Verda Hodges, Edmund Hodges (at his father's right), Dera Hodges (on bottom left),  Ruth Hodges (center) and Roy Hodges . . . 
(moving around at bottom right)

Roy and Matthew Hodges 
(1940s or early 50s)

The Alexander Hodges Family 
(circa 1902-3)
(from left:  Edmund, Alexander, 
Roy, Ruth, Verda, Edna, Dera

Roy and Uarda on Miami Beach 
(circa 1935)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Photos of the West Desert

The Old School, Oasis, Utah
Old Farm Home in Sutherland, Utah
The Largest Population in Sutherland, Utah

Hometown Cowboy, Sutherland, Utah

Here are those photos of the West Desert of Utah . . . taken on January 19th, 2008

Old Man Hodges Starts His Blog

Ok, Ok . . . so all my kids and their friends are BLOGGING like crazy.  So, I guess it's time for the old man to do a little BLOGGING of my own. I'm afraid I probably won't have anything earthshaking to add to your lives in terms of wisdom or brilliant guidance (though I have wonderful opinions that I will always share with you in private).  So, the primary inclusion on my blog will probably be photos of the grandkids, comments about how PROUD I am of my kids and the lives they're living, and an occasional comment or photo about my wonderful wife, Janeal. But since she is a very private person and doesn't like me saying groovy things about her in public, I'll have to be careful!  

Also, I hope to post a number of photos that I have taken or will take, so that you can enjoy the visual aspects of my one and only hobby.  Being a musician and an audio editor, I can't really include a concert or an audiobook here.  So, escape with me to the west desert of Utah for a little insight on how life is in one of Utah's most unpopulated areas.  Several weeks ago, Janeal and I took a trip to her home in the Delta/Hinckley area of western Utah.  She spent time with her mom working on a family project, and I took off, camera in hand, to see what sights I could find in this "other worldly" part of Utah.  Here are some moments that I captured. Enjoy!